
Bad Habits

Many people now a days is thinking about the easy way of life
but we believe that they went to extreme out of it 

how on earth you can earn money without working ?
we knew since we born that we have to do hard work to gain in return back. this is just logic .but let us go back to our mother earth and to see how it goes.Every animal have to make an effort to gain food .the farmer has to work hard to make his farm in a better shape and to start to earn from it but the problem that we are facing now a days is the new generations start to be extremely lazy cause basically due to  the technology -i'm not against technology BTW- they can surf through the internet to know the news of the world through the pad of there cellphones how easy. in the mean while we was hard time to know the news basically we got to know it from the local TV station and no substitution and we don't have any other options .it was funny from a couple a weeks to ask my cousin HOW IT IS GOING IN GREECE ? he just calmly replied just google it .
this is why follow next article we will be taking about technology  the good side and the bad side of it .

just a small tip watch the world around you and you got to see that everybody who is doing hard work how much they are earning in the end of the story ..

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